
Polda Metro Jaya said that until now there are 11 female workers (TKW) as victims of fraud against suspects in serial murder in Bekasi, Garut and Cianjur, namely Wowon, Duloh and Dede.

"Meanwhile, there are 11 TKW victims who have committed fraud who sent money to the suspect," said Director of General Criminal Investigation (Direskrimum) of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol. Hengki Haryadi in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 24.

The victims sent money using two methods, namely through account transfers and international wesel. Through these accounts and wesels, investigators conducted an inventory of the number of victims of fraud.

According to Hengki, of the 11 people, four of them could be contacted, but still abroad, three people will go to Polda Metro Jaya and the rest are still being searched.

Hengki explained that the TKW wanted to send some money because they were tempted by the lure of wealth offered by the suspect.

"They are the pattern of fraud against the victims initially meeting the suspect (Wowon). Then this suspect can seem to change the amount of money available," said Hengki.

In addition, Wowon also showed wealth, such as cars and houses to victims which were later discovered to belong to others.

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