
JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the PSI Regional Leadership Council (DPW), Michael Victor Sianipar has officially become a cadre of the Perindo Party. Michael has only resigned from the party led by Giring Ganesha for 1.5 months.

Michael officially became a cadre of Perindo after making a declaration at the Perindo DPP office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, today, Tuesday, January 24.

"I thank the General Chair, Secretary General, and ranks of the DPP for receiving and giving me the mandate. I hope that in the future there will be more youths who are determined to build the nation," Michael said in his statement, Tuesday, January 24.

Michael revealed the reason he chose to join the party created by Hary Tanoesoedibjo. According to him, Perindo is a party that provides ample space for young politicians to move their political vehicles.

"We need political forces that are not trapped in the left and right dichotomies. We must return politics to the debate about ideas, which parties can convince the public the most and get things done, focus on the politics of welfare that is oriented towards results. This is Perindo's struggle," explained Michael.

Michael admitted that he had received the task that must be done during his time as a Perindo cadre, namely to attract young politicians to be able to run as candidates for legislative members in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

"The target given to me is to get and prepare 100 youths to run as DPR RI candidates and 2,000 youths to advance in the provincial/city/district DPRD," explained Michael.

For information, Michael served as Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PSI DPW from 2017 until he resigned as of December 5. Michael is also a former staff of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok when he was Governor of DKI Jakarta.

When he left PSI, Michael firmly admitted that his political attitude felt he was no longer in line with the party led by Giring Ganesha as General Chair.

"Over time, the party that I imagined and aspired to, which I knew at the beginning, has changed considerably now. It is time for me to say goodbye and resign from PSI," said Michael Monday, December 5.

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