
YOGYAKARTA - The government is considering a number of economic priority plans for handling multidimensional crisis, which translates into 16 priority economic debtables (PEDs) within the term of Chairman or Chairperson of Asean 2023. Let's see what the agenda of the Asean 2023 Summit is.

At the Asean Summit in Cambodia on November 13, 2022, Indonesia received a mandate to regulate the Asean 2023 Chairmanship. The Asean Matter: Epicentrum of Growth theme, the term of the Indonesian Chairman in Asean has started since January 1, 2023 and ends on December 31st.

Deputy for Coordination of International Economic Cooperation Edi Pambudi said Indonesia focuses on priority plans as stated in 16 PED and 3 flagship events throughout 2023, in addition to strengthening the regional health architecture.

"The coordination of the economic pillars that we carry out is to ensure that all targets of this achievement can be achieved during the Indonesian Chairmanship Period," he said in an official statement, Monday (16/1/2023).

Edi added that it takes adjustment to the timeline for achieving economic priority targets, especially those that will be introduced to the Head of State in the 43rd Asean Summit. The plan is for the summit to be carried out in September.

All priorities and deliverys in the 2023 Chairmanship are desirable to support and be the implementation of the Asean Outlook on Indo-Pacific (AOIP) which is Indonesia's initiative in responding to dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region.

Edi explained that AOIP contains 4 cooperation zones, namely connectivity, maritime, sustainable development, and other economic cooperation.

According to him, introducing some of the keys that need to be seen to make Asean Chairmanship 2023 successful, ranging from intensive communication with stakeholders to maintaining cohesiveness by supporting and helping each other between ministries/institution.

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