
The Ministry of Religion through the Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance has designated East Nusa Tenggara Province as the host of the International Conference of Christian and Interfaith Studies (The 2nd International Conference on Christian and Inter Religious Studies (ICC IRC) in 2023. Head of Sub-Diparts of Administration, Equipment and Household of the Kupang Institute of Christian Religion (IAKN), Difat Saetban told reporters in Kupang, Monday, January 23, explaining that the meeting will take place from June 14 to 17, 2023 in Kupang City. "It is an honor and pride for the ranks of IAKN Kupang who are trusted to host this activity," said Difat Saetban, quoted by Antara. He said that the determination of NTT as the host had been submitted by the Director General of Christian Community Guidance of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Pdt. Dr. Jeane Marie Tulung, S.Th., M.Pd." To follow up on this belief, the Chancellor of IAKN Kupang, Dr. Harun Yer Nadonis has held a meeting attended by a number of structural officials in the Kupang IAKN environment in the Chancellor meeting room on Saturday, January 21 to discuss that preparation, "said Difat Saetban. In the meeting he said, there will also be speakers from the Netherlands, United States, India, Korea, Australia and Indonesia in accordance with their fields of expertise.

Meanwhile, the postgraduate lecturer IAKN Kupang, Dr. Simon Kasse, M.Pd.K is happy and proud of the appointment and trust given by the Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance of the Ministry of Religion to IAKN Kupang. "Determination of IAKN Kupang as the host of this activity is an extraordinary belief," said Simon Kasse. According to Simon, IAKN Kupang as the host of the 2023 The 2nd ICC IRC activity is proof that Kupang's existence is increasingly recognized and at the forefront. This is a belief that is not only on a national scale but also international. This further confirms and affirms the vision of IAKN Kupang as the leading Christian College in Indonesia and internationally," he stressed.

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