
JAKARTA - The latest results of the Research & Consulting Algorithm survey show that around 61.3 percent of respondents are satisfied with the performance of the Government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. "The level of satisfaction is at a relatively moderate figure," said Algorithm Research and Program Director Fajar Nursahid Research & Consulting in Jakarta, Monday, January 23. Fajar added that as many as 24 percent of respondents stated that they were normal with satisfaction with the performance of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Government, while those who stated that they were dissatisfied were 12.1 percent, and the remaining 2.6 percent stated they did not know/did not answer. He said respondents who stated that they were satisfied with the performance of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Government, such as guaranteeing freedom of religion/confidence, improving health services, improving education services, and providing infrastructure achieved a level of public satisfaction above 70 percent. "There are several sectors or fields that are satisfactorily lowest and worst, for example the worst is eradicating corruption," he said. He said that the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Government program that was considered the most successful in the eyes of the community was infrastructure development, while the economic program was considered as a program that was unsuccessful or failed.

"At the same time, the administration of social assistance by the government is considered successful as well as a failure by the public," he said. He explained that as many as 84.9 percent of respondents perceived the positive or good image of President Jokowi, while Vice President Ma'ruf Amin achieved a public positive image of 65.1 percent. "It is extraordinary that the gap is almost 20 percent of the difference points," he said, quoted by Antara.Fajar said that the public is relatively confident in improving the performance of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Government in the remainder of its period with 63.7 percent, while those who state that they are not sure are 6.7 percent. This is actually quite optimistic about how the public can still give considerable hope to the government in the remaining two years into the future," he explained. The survey of Algorithms conducted from 19 to December 2022 was carried out on 1,214 respondents who had the right to vote, namely Indonesian citizens aged 17 years or or already / ever married when the survey was conducted. This survey has tolerance or error limits ("margin of error") of about 3 percent and a 95 percent confidence level. The data collection technique used is face-to-face interviews directly with respondents using questionnaires.

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