
JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror suspects that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) sympathizer with the initials AW is the Anshor Daulah network. He was exposed to radicalism while languishing in Nusakambangan.

"It is possible that he networked Anshor Daulah. Recruited by one of the networks in the same cell as the suspect while in Nusakambangan," said Head of Banops Densus 88 Kombes Aswin Siregar when confirmed, Monday, January 23.

Dari hasil pendalaman sementara dan data Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (Kemenkumham) tersangka AW merupakan residivis kasus narkoba."Dulu penjara barkoba, sekarang jadi tersangka tindak pidana teroris," sebutnya.

Suspect AW was released from a criminal sentence about two years ago. However, it was not specified how long the sentence he served was related to the drug case. "(Berbas) 2020," said Aswin.

AW was arrested around Jalan Pendowoharjo, Sleman Regency, DIY on Sunday, January 22 at around 06.00 WIB. From the arrest, 2 homemade bombs were also confiscated.

"There is some evidence, including 2 homemade bombs that have been completed and the materials," said Aswin.

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