
RIAU - The Center for Natural Resources Conservation (BBKSDA) installed tiger traps in Suak lanjut Village and Forestry Arwinas City, Siak Regency, Riau Province. A goat was placed in the trap.

"The team set an iron trap. We replaced the bait with a goat, initially it was a chicken. We installed a camera trap leading to a set trap, another camera on the other side. Then, there were three cameras outside the City Forest," said Head of Section IV BBKSDA Riau, Gunawan, Sunday, January 22.

Gunawan also confirmed a wara-wiri Sumatran tiger in front of Hasan's Sinar Sanjaya Shop in Suaklanjut Village. The incident was monitored by CCTV at around 03.00 WIB, Saturday, January 21.

"Yes, I have also seen the video. The information we got from the team, police and the Siak Regency Government, it is true that the video was in Siak. It could be that the tiger returned to its path, after entering the Arwinas City Forest," he said.

He reminded the public through RT, RW and villages to reduce activities at night. Especially at the location where these wildlife were found.

"We urge the public to be careful when doing activities at night, especially at the location where traces are found, allegedly belonging to the wildlife," he added.

Reports of the appearance of the tiger have occurred in the past week in the capital city of Siak Regency. The discovery of the first trace is located behind the house of a resident of RT 06 RW 02, Suak Furthermore Village, Siak District on Monday, January 16.

The following day it was found again at the location of the watermelon plantation and on Wednesday, January 18 next to the house of a fisherman's Gang RT. 05 RW. 02. On Friday, January 20, a resident admitted that he saw a tiger on Jalan Sapta Taruna near the Arwinas Forest until it was finally proven on CCTV, Saturday, January 21 in the morning.

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