Siak Regent Alfedri appealed to residents to be aware of the emergence of Sumatran tigers in residential areas in Suak Furthermore Village and Arwinas City Forest Areas in Siak District.
"All people who live in these places and areas should be able to increase their vigilance. Do not carry out activities in forest, steam, and plantation areas individually," he said as quoted in a press release from the Siak Regency Government in Riau Province, Sunday, January 22.
He also appealed to residents to avoid places where wild animals usually appear at night and do not take actions that could threaten the existence of wild animals in their territory.
In addition, the Regent asked residents to immediately report to the village government apparatus or police officers and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) if they saw tigers in residential areas.
Hasan's shophouse CCTV on Tengku Kelang Asmara Street, Kampung Rempak Village, Siak District, recorded a tiger passing on Saturday morning after residents reported the discovery of footprints of the wildlife.
Supervisory camera footage shows tigers passing in front of the shophouse. The tiger is thought to have come from the Arwinnas Forest.
Traces of tigers were previously found behind a resident's house in Suak Tabung Village, Siak District, on Monday, January 16.
Furthermore, traces of tigers were reportedly found beside the homes of fishermen's Ganges on Wednesday (18/1) and a resident admitted to seeing tigers around Jalan Sapta Taruna near the Arwinas Forest on Friday (20/1).
The Riau Province Center for Conservation and Natural Resources has installed trap cages to catch tigers entering the residential environment.
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