
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said, Chinese New Year's Day 2574 Kongzili, which is commemorated on Sunday (22/1) tomorrow, is a momentum to strengthen the solidarity of the Indonesian nation.

The vice president said that the 2023 AD New Year and 2574 Chinese New Year should be celebrated with gratitude and enthusiasm to continue to rise, even though the challenges faced are not light, so that the Indonesian people can continue to move forward together.

"The spirit of the Chinese New Year celebration is always a momentum for all Indonesians to strengthen solidarity in realizing Indonesia's more advanced and prosperous vision," said Ma'ruf Amin in a video statement received in Jakarta, Saturday, January 21.

Ma'ruf also prayed that God would always strengthen the harmony and brotherhood of the Indonesian nation and overflow with strength and help.

On that occasion, Maruf Amin also congratulated the Chinese New Year 2574 Kongzili to all Confucian people and Indonesian citizens who celebrate.

"My brothers are Confucian people in the country and wherever they are, I wish you a happy Chinese New Year 2574 Kongzili," said Ma'ruf Amin.

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