
BEKASI - The police revealed the roles of the perpetrators of the serial murder carried out by Wowon Erawan on Aki, Solihin alias Duloh and M Dede Solehuddin. In front of reporters in Cianjur, Head of Sub-Directorate of Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga said that Wowon's role was to take the victim to Duloh.

The victims were Noneng, Wiwin, Halimah, Farida, and a two-year-old child named Bayu.

"The role of Wowon was to take the victims. But for Farida, we are still investigating. But for the average victim who delivered Wowon, who was at the TKP here, yes, the house in Ciranjang, such as Noneng," Panjiyoga told reporters in Cianjur, Friday, January 20.

The nong who took him to Duloh's house was Wowon. After being killed, on the same night too," he continued.

Meanwhile, the role of Duloh acts as the executor. Indrawienny said, on average the victim was killed by strangulation.

Strung first, die, then put in a hole.

Meanwhile, continued Indrawienny, Duloh acted as the executor.

Almost all of the victims were killed by strangulation. The bodies of the victims were then buried in three holes in Duloh's house.

"Strngulated first, died, then put into a hole, (average-ed) all Cekik," he said.

Previously, the police had arrested three perpetrators of serial murder, on behalf of Wowon Erawan alias Aki, Solihin alias Duloh and Dede Solahuddin. The disclosure of this case began with the death of three of the five family members in Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, West Java on Thursday 12 January.

The victims named Ai Maemunah and their two children Ridwan Abdul Muiz (20) and M Riswandi (16) were killed by poisoning.

Then in Cianjur, five victims were found, namely Wiwin, who is the wife of Wowon, Bayu, his son, Nong, Wowon's father-in-law and Halimah, another wife, Wowon, was killed by Solihin alias Duloh. There was one more victim but the body is still not found.

In Garut, it was found that one victim was thrown into the sea by the Wowon gang. However, it was found.

This case is referred to as a series of supernatural-packed murders with promises to make them rich. They commit a series of murders or commonly called killer series with supernatural-packed promises to make people successful or rich.

Wowon and his gang killed the victims because they were considered dangerous after learning about the crime.

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