
The Singkawang Police Satreskrim arrested two men each with the initials HB and DW for being suspected of being the perpetrators of human smuggling or the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) or protection of Indonesian workers (TKI) to Malaysia.

"We managed to reveal the case of the alleged TIP recently, on Wonosari Street, Roban Village, Central Singkawang District," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Sihar Binardi Siagian, to Antara, Friday, January 20.

From the disclosure, the Singkawang Police Satreskrim also secured evidence in the form of a marun red car with Nopol KB 1393 XX, 10 new passport books, two red Cross-Border Post (PLB) books, one bundle of proof of payment transactions/invoice, 10 sheets of cooperation statement and one mobile phone unit.

He stated that the chronology of the arrests began with members of the Singkawang Police Satreskrim receiving information that Indonesian Workers (TKI) would be dispatched to work in Malaysia on Wednesday, January 18 morning.

"Receiving this information, members of the Singkawang Police Satreskrim immediately carried out a series of investigations to a house suspected of being a shelter for prospective migrant workers," he said.

Then, at 12.30 WIB, a red Daihatsu Terios car with a number KB 1393 XX was observed leaving the house suspected of being a shelter for prospective migrant workers.

Furthermore, members of the Singkawang Police Satreskrim followed the car.

"Arriving at Jalan Wonosari, an interception of the car was carried out, after an examination was carried out that it was found that five people were suspected of being illegal migrant workers and two people suspected of being illegal TKI agents," he said.

Then the members took the prospective migrant workers back to the shelter where in the house one prospective migrant worker was found followed by conducting a search at the house and finding documents and passports of the prospective migrant workers.

Furthermore, prospective migrant workers and evidence were brought to the Singkawang Police Headquarters for the sake of further investigation.

"For their actions, these two suspects will be subject to Article 4, Articles, 6 and Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons and/or Article 81, Article 83 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Immigrant Workers," he said.

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