
SAMARINDA - Samarinda City Police, East Kalimantan, arrested eight perpetrators of motor vehicle theft by confiscating 28 motorcycles of evidence. "We have arrested eight perpetrators of motorcycle theft, consisting of three different groups. This arrest began with the Samarinda Police team since early January 2023," said Samarinda Police Chief Commissioner Ary Fadli when releasing the case in Samarinda, Antara, Friday, January 20. He said the many public reports about motor vehicle theft in recent months made his party form a special team to handle the case in early January 2023. The team's performance results managed to catch three groups of motor vehicle thefts with a total of eight perpetrators. The motorcycles resulting from the crime were resold online and offline with a price range of Rp. 2 million to Rp. 4 million per unit. "The condition of motorcycles varies, some are modified, some are intact, and some are stripped by only taking and selling spare parts," said Ary Fadli. The police chief said that several stolen motorbikes were sold to the Muara Mungtai and Kota Bangun areas, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. The eight arrested perpetrators had the initials SA (44), MAR (16), SP (26), ABZ (23), MT (23), AAP (17), DH (28), and RAB (31). Ary Fadli explained the perpetrator's mode of pushing the motorcycle from the parking lot, after feeling safe, the perpetrator then dismantled the motorcycle's contact using a T key or other means. "After a few days, the perpetrator sold the motorbike after it was modified or interpreted," he said. To account for his actions, the eight perpetrators were subject to Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of nine years in prison. Meanwhile, a woman victim of motorcycle theft with the initials AY (24), said she was happy when she received the news that her two-wheeled vehicle had been found, especially since her motorbike was better than before. "I'm happy that my motorbike is back, even now it's better. This vehicle disappeared in December 2022 in the parking lot of the Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Hospital," said a student at the Faculty of Medicine, Mulawarman University.

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