
YOGYAKARTA - The Central Java Provincial Government has collaborated with the Yogyakarta Gadjah Mada University (UGM) on synergies in the field of education, research and community service. The cooperation was marked by the signing of a memorandum of agreement by the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo and the Chancellor of UGM Ova Emilia at the UGM Campus, Friday, January 20.

Ganjar welcomed the cooperation agreement. In the future, he hopes that this cooperation can be implemented in real work as a solution to the resolution of the nation's problems. "Especially for UGM because we have been collaborating for a long time, namely bureaucratic reform. Umpama has an assessment," said Ganjar Pranowo.

The white-haired politician encouraged the collaboration between the Central Java Provincial Government and UGM to be able to respond and focus on three things. Namely investment, increased human resources (HR) of the state civil apparatus (ASN), and reducing poverty.

"However, there was something important yesterday that the President conveyed, how to invest, we choose what industry we want to provide incentives, at least those that are sustainable, which can absorb labor, including options that have high technology. Second, increasing ASN human resources. And, the third is given a target from the President to reduce the zero percent extreme poverty rate in 2024, it must be zero," he explained.

Ganjar emphasized that the existence of UGM as a university needs to take on an innovative role. For example, making a real work lecture (KKN) thematic program that is sustainable.

"Earlier I said that the reduction in poverty was packaged by reducing stunting and keeping pregnant women. Campuses have good innovation and research, now we have a place (practice)," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UGM, Ova Emilia, added that this time apart from the Central Java Provincial Government, his party also collaborated with the Association of Indonesian Provincial Governments, Religious PP, and Siak Regency Government.

"This collaboration is a step to optimize that the University has a role in solving problems in the field," he said after signing the collaboration with Ganjar Pranowo.

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