
Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Jusuf Kalla (JK) emphasized that the mosque is not a place for political campaigns. This was confirmed by the 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia during a meeting with the West Kalimantan DMI (West Kalimantan) management.

"I remind all administrators that the mosque is not a place to campaign for politics, be it a campaign for presidential candidates, governors, regents and other legislators. The mosque is a place of worship, not a place of politics," said JK, Friday, January 20, confiscated by Antara.

JK reminded all DMI administrators, both at the provincial and district and city levels, not to use religious facilities as a practical political place ahead of the 2024 General Election.

In his direction, JK emphasized the function of the mosque as the center of prosperity of the community and to become a barometer of economic driving. "Mosque is not only a place of worship, but a mosque can prosper the congregation," he added.

Di tempat yang sama, Wakil Gubernur Ria Norsan yang juga merupakan Ketua DMI Kalbar berharap, para pengurus DMI tingkat kabupaten dan kota yang hadir pada kesempatan ini dapat menyampaikan aspirasinya kepada Ketua Umum PP DMI, guna berbaging informasi dan program kerja yang telah dilakukan oleh pengurus DMI di daerah.

"Hopefully this gathering can run as expected. I hope we can convey our aspirations directly to the General Chair of PP DMI, Mr. Jusuf Kalla," said Ria Norsan.

Not only that, the Deputy Governor further said the development of mosques in West Kalimantan was very fast. According to him, this indicates the growth of the spirit of prospering the mosque and the maturation of mosques for the people of Islam, so that it is beneficial for the people of West Kalimantan.

"We believe that the Provincial Government has great attention and attention to mosques in West Kalimantan," he said.

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