WEST ACEH - Southwest Aceh District Health Office, Aceh Province invites all local communities not to discriminate against people with mental disorders (ODGJ) to support efforts to accelerate their healing.
"Give attention to them, especially their families and the surrounding environment, because their treatment process needs support from families and the environment," said Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Southwest Aceh Health Office Ika Puspita in Blangpidie, Antara, Thursday, January 19.
There are several causes a person has mental disorders, including depression, drugs, and epilepsy which have an impact on neurological disorders so that they slowly begin to forget about normal life.
"Let's work together to pay attention to them so that the mental illness suffered by the patient does not recur and efforts to suppress this number can be realized," he said.
Based on records from the Southwest Aceh District Health Office in 2022, the number of ODGJs in the area is around 576 people or the figure is still the same as in 2021.
"All 576 ODGJs are currently under the supervision and responsibility of 13 health centers in Abdya (Southwest Aceh)," he said.
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