
The National Police Headquarters issued a unit lighting sheet (pensat) containing guidelines regarding regulations governing police neutrality in the 2024 political year.

"The Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police has made a pensat sheet that explains in detail the regulations related to the neutrality of the Police," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Pol. Dedi Prasetyo in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 18.

The neutrality of Polri personnel is a concern to take precautions so that there are no personnel who violate the rules according to existing regulations.

He said the neutrality of the National Police had been regulated in the MPR Decree (TAP) Number 7 of 2000 concerning the Role of the TNI-Polri as the Defense and Security Apparatus of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The regulation is contained in Article 10 of the MPR Decree Number 7/MPR/2022 that the Police are neutral in political life and do not involve themselves in practical political activities.

In addition, Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police regulates it. Precisely in Article 28 paragraphs (1), (2) and (3), it reads "The National Police is neutral in political life not involving themselves in practical political activities. Then, members of the National Police do not exercise the right to vote and be elected".

Then, he said, in the new Perpol (Number 7/2022) regarding the Police Code of Ethics containing the Police must be neutral in the election.

Not only that, said Dedi, to implement this neutrality, later the Police Professional and Security Division will make a direct telegram letter and directive as a guide for Polri personnel to maintain neutrality.

With these rules, he said, it is clear that Polri personnel must maintain neutrality at every democratic party. For personnel who are found to have violated, there will be strict sanctions that await in the form of ethical violations and can be prosecuted if they are proven to have violated a criminal act.

To oversee this, he explained, the National Police has internal supervision. At the level of the National Police Headquarters (Mabes) there are Irwasum and Propam, while in the area there is Irwasda, including at the police level.

"If for example proven guilty, the sanctions for the code of ethics can definitely be sanctioned for anyone who is proven to be involved not neutral in the election, be it district/city, provincial or national elections," said Dedi.

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