
JAKARTA - Angela Hindriari's mutilation case has now named Edy Listianto as a suspect. However, it turns out that the police have opened up opportunities for new suspects in the case.

"There is a potential for new suspects," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi.

The potential for increasing suspects is based on new findings. However, it was not explained in detail about this.

So far, the new findings are related to the motive behind the murder case which has not been fully revealed.

"That a new fact was found, namely there is a new motive related to Angela's mystery of death," said Hengki.

Angela's body was found in a condition that had been cut into seven parts. Then, stored in two container boxes at a boarding house in the Kampung Buaran area, Lambangsari, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency.

The discovery of the body was called an accident. This is because the police initially followed up on reports of missing people on behalf of Edky Listyanto. Then, the police went to Ericky's rented house on December 30. At that time, Angela's body was found.

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