
Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil has officially joined the Golkar Party after receiving a membership card (KTA) from General Chair Airlangga Hartarto on Wednesday, January 18, afternoon. Ridwan was also worn with a yellow suit and introduced to all levels of the Golkar Party's DPP board. Ridwan Kamil got a strategic position as Deputy General Chair (Waketum) in the field of Raising Voters and Winning the Golkar Party Election. "Kang Emil, we give a fairly strategic role, Mr. Emil's job is wider, namely as Co-Chair Bappilu," said Airlangga at the Golkar Party DPP Office, West Jakarta, Wednesday, January 18. "So I'm actually up to Mr. Airlangga. Earlier, Mr. Airlangga was kind to put me in the position of Deputy General Chair at the Implementation of Bappilu voters and concerns," continued Ridwan Kamil. Ridwan ensured that he would comply with the party's decision and win Airlangga Hartarto as president in 2024. "I am a fatsun against organizational decisions, so I will narrate the party's decisions regarding Pak Airlangga as a presidential candidate everywhere," he said.

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