
Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil officially became a cadre of the Golkar Party after being worn with a yellow suit and given a membership card (KTA) by the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto. "This afternoon's meeting became special because officially Mr. Ridwan Kamil entered the Golkar party, marked earlier that KTA and Mr. RK had already worn a yellow suit. Mr. RK looks more handsome and brighter, which is certain if the color yellow is young," said Airlangga during a press conference at the Golkar DPP Office, Slipi, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 18. Airlangga said that Ridwan Kamil's entry into Golkar was gradual, through the Kosgoro mass organization 1957. "Of course, Mr. Emil will be given a task, one of which is to gather voters and to win the election. Therefore, it is important that the election is still 1 year old, so that additional political support in West Java will complement the team from the Golkar party," said Airlangga. Airlangga explained that the Golkar Party is an open party that avoids identity politics and always fights for the welfare of the people. "From these various criteria, the Golkar party feels that Kang Emil is one of the community leaders who meet the criteria that have been carried out by the Golkar Party. Ideologically it is not different, and the Golkar Party has worked hard for the welfare of the people, and I myself have been working together with Kang Emil," he concluded.

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