
PALU - Polda Central Sulawesi is still carrying out security at a number of industrial locations belonging to PT Gunbutter Nickel Industry (GNI) in North Morowali Regency, after clashes between workers. "The joint apparatus is still in charge of carrying out security until all issues are resolved," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Police, Kombes Didik Supranoto, in Palu, Antara, Wednesday, January 18. Didik said the strength of as many as 709 joint TNI/Polri personnel carried out security in the nickel mining industrial area where the central points of guard, namely the entrance of the company, the employee hut of foreign workers (TKA), the PT GNI Office, and established a number of posts that were considered vulnerable. The joint apparatus conducted an identity check on every employee who came to work. This examination is an effort to anticipate and provide a sense of security for workers. According to him, the legal process continues to provide post-event justice, even though both foreign workers (TKA) and Indonesian workers (TKI) have reconciled. "The police continue to act decisively against anyone who is proven to have violated the law," he said. He explained that from the development of the examination, 17 TKIs have been named as suspects in cases of vandalism and burning company facilities during clashes. Enliven the status of suspects after previously they were examined as witnesses and were proven to have committed acts of destruction of facilities. Therefore, he said, the Central Sulawesi Regional Police are still examining a number of remaining employees from the previous 71 people who were detained at the North Morowali Police. "The employee has been named a suspect and is currently being held at the Morowali Police Station. 16 people have been charged with Article 170 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 5 years in prison, one other person has been charged with Article 187 to 1e of the Criminal Code with a threat of 12 years in prison," he said.

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