
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma’ruf Amin asked regional heads and the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) to stimulate development in the regions in line with the 2023 Government Work Plan theme "Improving Productivity for Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation". "The year 2023 should be a momentum to accelerate economic growth in order to encourage economic transformation. On this occasion, I would like to emphasize several things, first, regional heads and Forkopimda to take breakthrough steps to stimulate regional development," said Ma'ruf Amin in his remarks online at the closing of the Regional Head National Coordination Meeting and Forkopimda throughout Indonesia which was held in Sentul, Bogor, Antara, Tuesday, January 17. Ma'ruf also requested that consultation and coordination with the central government continue, especially if sectoral policies are encountered from ministries and non-ministerial government agencies (K/L) that have the potential to hinder regional development. Second, Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that each region has different development characteristics, so it needs development interventions that are typical of each region. Therefore, he invites all parties to combine an integrated, inclusive, and sustainable approach to growth and equity. "In particular, I ask for more attention to efforts to improve the production chain and value chain at the regional level. Likewise, efforts to increase the competitive advantage of the regional economy to the village level," he explained. Third, he conveyed that institutions and rules of the game are factors that encourage national and regional economic growth. According to him, in the current era of openness, regional heads and Forkopimda must strengthen the pattern of cooperation and collaboration, both within the government and with other strategic stakeholders. In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen innovative steps in digital-based public services. "We hope that advances in digital technology will affect price affordability, supply availability, smooth distribution, including strengthening the MSME ecosystem (micro, small and medium enterprises), and an effective social protection system," he added. Entering the 2023 political year, Ma'ruf Amin invites all parties to oversee democratic life in each region in a healthy and safe manner. He also asked all regional heads and elements of Forkopimda to have a strong commitment to overseeing the Government's strategic policies, especially strengthening economic growth that is inclusive and controlling inflation. "Finally, by saying alhamdulillahirabbil ’alamin, the National Coordination Meeting of Regional Heads and Forkopimda 2023 I officially declare it closed," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

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