
JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) said further optimization was needed regarding the recovery of victims of past gross human rights violations (HAM) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, namely the provision of assistance.

"Since 2012, LPSK through various protection programs has recovered thousands of victims of gross human rights violations," said LPSK Chairman Hasto Atmojo Suroyo, in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17, confiscated by Antara.

Referring to Government Regulation (PP) Number 17 of 2018 in conjunction with Government Regulation Number 35 of 2020 concerning the Provision of Compensation, Restitution and Assistance to Witnesses and Victims regulates several things.

First, he continued, victims of gross human rights violations are entitled to medical assistance and psychosocial and psychological rehabilitation assistance.

Second, the request for assistance is submitted in writing to LPSK, then the application for assistance must be accompanied by a statement from the National Human Rights Commission which shows the applicant as a witness and / or victim or the family of a witness or victim of a gross human rights violation.

Then fourth, the provision of assistance is determined through the LPSK decision, and finally in carrying out the provision of LPSK assistance it can cooperate with ministries/agencies, local governments, the private sector or non-governmental organizations.

In line with that, LPSK Deputy Chairman Antonius PS Wibowo said, from 2012 to 2021, LPSK had recovered at least 4,000 victims of gross human rights violations.

The victims came from several incidents, including the 1965/1966 incident, the 1997/1998 forced disappearance, Tanjung Priok, Talangsari, Jambo Keupok, Simpang KKA Aceh, and Geudong Aceh House.

"Recovery is carried out through the provision of medical assistance, psychosocial and psychological rehabilitation with at least 4,500 services," he also said.

In the near future, LPSK plans to strengthen the organization and internal capacity of the institution. LPSK immediately coordinates with the ministries/agencies related to the strengthening. In addition, the agency will also be more proactive in inviting and involving various ministries/agencies to carry out recovery.

"This is in line with the mandate of Article 44 PP Number 35 of 2020. Moreover, in 2023 the psychosocial rehabilitation program has become a national priority activity that is in line with efforts to recover victims including gross human rights violations," said Antonius.

In 2020, LPSK conducted a research. As a result, the majority of victims of gross human rights violations (50 percent) want the state to provide medical assistance, psychosocial and psychological rehabilitation.

Then, 35 percent of them want the state to reveal the truth immediately. Furthermore, 10 percent want the perpetrators to be convicted, and five percent of victims want an apology from the state.

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