
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) has added to the strength of defense equipment in the form of a Maritime Security Patrol (Patkamla) for the delivery of logistics lines for the development of the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) located in the working area of Lanal Balikpapan.

Patkamla Posa II-13-52 was recently inaugurated by the Commander of Lantamal XIII First Admiral TNI Fauzi, SE, MM, M.Han at the Jetty PT. Sendy Jaya Jl. Lt. Gen. Suprapto Baru Uju Balikpapan City which will officially strengthen the elements of Lanal Balikpapan.Patkamla Posa has a specifications of a length of 20 M, a deployment of 30 tons. Equipped with 2 engines powered by 1400 HP so that it can reach a speed of 50 knots.

This ship has the function of patrol boats and supports activities at sea. Meanwhile, other functions include conducting investigations, special anti-terror warfare for sea aspects and being able to carry out Search And Rescue (SAR).

"The presence of the Patkamla Posa II-13-52 as an defense equipment on Lanal Balikpapan is a form of answer to the demands of the dynamics of the task and a form of innovation in carrying out the task of the base to support state policies in the preparation and construction of the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) which is located in the working area of Lanal Balikpapan in securing the Logistics Line in Balikpapan waters," said Laksma Fauzi in a statement from the Navy Information Service, Tuesday, January 17.Patkamla Posa (Pos) is a ship made by PT Palindo Marine. This ship will operate to strengthen Lanal Balikpapan, Lantamal XII and Koarmada II, in particular as security for the state capital city (IKN) area in accordance with the KSAL decision Number Kep/3346/IX/2022 concerning the determination of one unit of the 20 m combat boat.

Fulfillment of the need for Alutsista is also a priority program for the Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Muhammad Ali who will focus on achieving a force ready to be operationalized in the form of alertness and high readiness.

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