
JAKARTA - The Surakarta City Government plans to use some grants from the government of the United Arab Emirates to revitalize traditional markets. One of them is the Tunggulsari Market.

The Head of the Surakarta City Trade Office, Heru Sunardi, said the funds needed to revitalize the market amounted to Rp19 billion. The market will consist of 182 kiosks and stalls.

"The market will consist of two floors, some facing north and west. We will follow the landscape of existing conditions," Heru said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 17.

During the construction process, traders will be placed in the emergency market, namely at Losari Square. In accordance with the direction from the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the construction will be carried out as soon as the grant funds go down.

"In principle, everything is ready, the DED (Detail Engineering Design) has been completed, the emergency market point has been found. In 2023 the hope is that it can be completed, the target is by the end of this year, but we are still waiting for the grant," said Heru.

He hopes that after revitalizing the market, it can be used to shop for local communities. According to him, people who usually shop at the market are residents of Semanggi, Sangkrah, and Kedunglumbu Villages.

"It's all densely populated settlements. In the market that stands in the middle of a luxury settlement, there must be many buyers from outside. It's different from in Tunggulsari, loyal consumers must be local residents," he said.

Previously, the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, said that the grant funds from the UAE would be used for several things, including in the economic, education and health sectors.

In addition, the funds will also be used for handling uninhabitable houses in Solo City. Head of the Surakarta City Housing, Settlement and Land Office (Disperum KPP) Taufan Basuki hopes that this year the funds from the UAE can help significantly.

"If approximately than the potential that exists, we can handle around 2,500 this year," he said.

He said overall the potential for uninhabitable houses in Solo City reached around 5,000 units. With various government efforts in obtaining funding, one of which is from the UAE Government, it is hoped that the number of RTLH (Uninhabitable Houses) until the end of this year is only 1,400 units.

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