
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that the 1945 constitution must be placed and applied under the instructions of the regent or mayor. This was emphasized by Jokowi regarding the difficulties in the construction of houses of worship in a number of areas in the country.

"Don't let the constitution lose by agreement! The constitution must not lose by agreement. There is a meeting, FKUB (Religious Harmony Forum) for example, this, for example, agrees not to allow places of worship. Be careful, our constitution guarantees that," said Jokowi when opening the National Coordination Meeting. Regional Head and FKPD throughout Indonesia at SICKC, West Java, Tuesday, January 17, confiscated from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube.

Jokowi reminded all Indonesian citizens to be allowed to embrace and worship according to their respective religious choices. In this case, the constitution 44 regulates six official religions whose rights of adherents should not be violated. The six religions are Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

"This is careful. These are Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Confucians, be careful. (They) have the same rights in worship, have the same rights in terms of freedom of religion and worship, be careful," said Jokowi.

According to Jokowi, Article 29 Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution firmly guarantees for religious adherents to carry out their respective religions and beliefs.

"Once again guaranteed by the constitution. This must be understood. We all must know this problem. Our constitution provides freedom of religion and worship even though only 1, 2, 3 (religious adherents) in cities or districts, but be careful about this," he said.

The President also admitted that he was concerned about the difficulty of one of the religious adherents who could not worship, because there was no house of worship in the city where he lived.

"Because I see it still happens. Sometimes I think as hard as I think about people who will worship? It's sad if we hear," he said.

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