
YOGYAKARTA - The political journey of this man from Jombang who always looks neat and unpretentious is interesting to watch. He started by becoming an activist, party administrator, council member, and became a minister. This figure became a political role model for PKB cadres and some NU members. Let's check Muhaimin Iskandar's profile?

Not only PKB and NU members who recognize his leadership. Outsiders even held the same view. He is a politician who has character, is tolerant, and is polite. He can also form a coalition with anyone as long as it fits with the PKB party line and the benefit of the people. However, he was also able to be firm even though he had to fight against his own uncle, Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur.

Profile of Muhaimin Iskandar

He is Muhaimin Iskandar. Muhaimin Iskandar, who is fondly called Gus Imin or Cak Imin, was born in Jombang, East Java, September 24, 1966. His father was Muhammad Iskandar, a teacher at the Manbaul Ma'arif Islamic Boarding School, Jombang, East Java.

Cak Imin, completed his studies at the Jombang State Islamic Senior High School and Yogyakarta State Islamic Senior High School I. Graduated from Aliyah in 1985, Muhaimin continued his undergraduate studies at FISIP UGM and finished at the age of 26. He continued his masters 10 years later at the University of Indonesia (UI) in communications and graduated in 2001.

Since attending college, Muhaimin has been active in discussion areas and has also been active in student movements. He joined the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) and was elected chairman of the PMII Yogyakarta branch in 1994-1997. Later, he was also active in the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI).

Muhaimin's political career coincided with the birth of the Reformation Era. At that time, in 1998, he and Nahdlatul Ulama figures including Abdurrahman Wahid founded the National Awakening Party (PKB) and he was appointed Secretary General (Sekjend).

In the 1999 elections, Muhaimin was elected as a member of the DPR RI from the PKB party. In the legislative institution at the age of 33, as written on the DPR's website, he became Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI from 1999-2004. He was one of the youngest leaders in the DPR who had ever existed at that time.

His career continued to skyrocket, along with becoming chairman of the PKB. Simultaneously, in the 2004 elections, Muhaimin was re-elected as a member of the DPR and again became Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI 2004-2009. In the following elections, Muhaimin succeeded for the third time to become a member of the DPR and he was asked by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to become the minister of manpower and transmigration 2009-2014.

At the end of his ministerial post, in 2014, Muhaimin was unanimously re-elected as chairman of PKB. He was considered successful in increasing the vote choice for the PKB election in 2014. His success continued, when Muhaimin led PKB cadres to become ministers in Joko Widodo's Working Cabinet 2014-2019.

Biography of Muhaimin Iskandar

Name and Title: Dr (HC). Drs. A. MUHAIMIN ISKANDAR, M.Sc

Place of Birth/Date of Birth: Jombang/September 24, 1966

Religion: Islam

Educational background

  • Elementary School, Mambaul Ma'arif Denanyar Jombang. Year: - 1976
  • Junior High School, Mambaul Ma;arif Denanyar Jombang. Year: - 1982
  • Senior High School, MAN I Yogyakarta. Year: - 1985
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences, UGM Yogyakarta. Year: - 1991
  • Master of Communication Management, University of Indonesia. Year: - 2001

Employment History

  • Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI, As: . Years: 2004 - 2009
  • Member of DPR RI 1999 - 2004, As: . Years: 1999 - 2004
  • LPU Jakarta, As: Head of Research Division. Years: 1992 - 1994
  • Islamic Boarding School Denanyar Jombang, As: Teaching Staff. Years: 1980 - 1983
  • Helen Keller International Jakarta, As: . Year:1998
  • Chairman of the DPR RI FPKB, As: . Year: 1999
  • LKSI (Institute for Islamic & Social Studies) Yogya , As: . Year: - 1989
  • Detik tabloid, As: Ka. Research & Development Institute. Year: 1994

Organization History

  • DPP PKB, As: Chairman. Year 2014 -
  • DPP PKB, As: Chairman. Years: 2005 - 2010
  • DPP PKB, As: Secretary General. Years: 2004 - 2005
  • DPP PKB, As: Chairman of the Tanfidziah Council. Years: 2002 - 2007
  • PMII Executive Board, As: General Chairperson. Years: 1994 - 1997
  • DPP PKB, As: Secretary General. Years: 1992 - 2002
  • PMII Yogyakarta Branch, As: General Chairperson. Years: 1991 - 1997
  • Student Representative Body (BPM), As: Board Member. Year: 1990 -
  • PMII UGM Yogyakarta, As: General Chair. Years: 1990 - 1991
  • PMII UGM, As: Head of the Fisipol Student Corps. Year: 1988 -

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