
RIAU - Four minors who are members of a motorcycle gang were arrested by officers from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the Riau Police. This motorcycle gang is known to attack and persecute other motorists on Jalan Parit Indah and Jalan Karya, on Sunday, January 8. The Head of Public Relations of the Riau Police, Kombes Sunarto, explained that the perpetrators RWH (16), AF (16), RH (15) and SD (17) were arrested on Saturday, January 14. They usually gather in Kubang, Pekanbaru. After receiving information that another group was moving towards Pasir Putih, Siak Hulu, Kampar, they then joined other gangs in the same location. The goal is to carry out the attack. "The three groups then joined and while passing through Jalan Karya Labersa, they hit a motorbike rider who was passing by," said Sunarto during the disclosure of the case, Antara, Monday, January 16. Not only that, after ganging up on the motorcyclist, the group hit the body, rearview mirrors and car windshields with wood before finally returning to their respective homes. "The victim was beaten with wood that they had brought. When they passed another car, they immediately destroyed it. About five cars were damaged by this motorcycle gang, but only the owner of two cars reported it," he continued. Sunarto appealed to the public to be able to supervise their children and not let them out until midnight. Because this is what potential for children to become wild and lose control. Not only efforts from the police, it also takes efforts from the family to prevent the same thing from happening again. "We urge the public to supervise their respective children. If they don't return at midnight, they are wanted, don't let them go. We patrol to minimize the opportunity of the perpetrators, while parents supervise their children," concluded Sunarto. As a result of his actions, the four perpetrators were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of nine years. However, because the four were still minors, provisions were also applied according to the rules.

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