
MALUKU - The North Maluku Regional Police confirmed that they would investigate and process the alleged abuse case experienced by a local police Sabhara member named Bripda Rahmad Gazali. Rahmad was allegedly abused by a number of his seniors last weekend. Head of Public Relations of the North Maluku Police, Kombes Michael Irwan Thamsil, said the victim's parents had reported cases of abuse experienced by their child to the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the North Maluku Police and are currently being investigated. "If proven, the perpetrators will be processed according to applicable legal provisions," he said when contacted in Ternate, Antara, Monday, January 16. According to him, the alleged abuse case experienced by Bripda Rahmad Gazali, a member of the police who served at the North Maluku Police Sabhara, was carried out by a number of senior police officers of the victim on Saturday morning, January 14, 2022, at around 01.30 WIT. As a result of the persecution, Bripda Rahmad Gazali was injured and is currently undergoing treatment at the Chasan Boesoerie Hospital Ternate. "Of course, with a report from the victim's parents regarding the alleged abuse case to the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the North Maluku Police, the case is now under investigation. If proven, the perpetrators will be processed according to applicable legal provisions," he said. Meanwhile, Yati Idrus, the victim's mother, said that according to her son's confession, on Saturday morning at around 01.30 WIT while carrying out a picket at the North Maluku Police Headquarters, his son was visited by six members of his senior police. Two senior police officers who were drunk abused the victim for no apparent reason. Still according to the confession of Bripda Rahmad, continued Yati, the abuse of a number of his seniors had been experienced by his son several times for no apparent reason. However, the victim never reported to his superiors for fear of getting even more severe abuse. Therefore, the victim's mother hopes that the leadership of the North Maluku Police will investigate the case of the persecution to completion so that her child will get justice. "I also hope that similar cases do not happen again against other police officers," he said.

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