
JAKARTA - The increasingly agile development of technology provides many changes and conveniences for human life. In today's digital era, various choices of information and communication technology have been found in everyday life to facilitate various activities.

Users of digital platforms also continue to increase significantly every year in line with the many digital platforms formed. This proves that the development of digital technology has been so fast today.

The rapid development of technology is driven by the demands of modern human needs, the high level of research in the field of technology due to the ease of communication and interaction, and the desire of the community to improve the quality of their lives.

In addition, the public's desire to complete work faster and easier and increasing mastery of technology in society also encourages innovation in technology. Technological advances are also a major factor that encourages globalization, considering that it can facilitate interaction and communication between humans.

Not only in digital form, but also in physical terms such as tools in the engineering world. These tools are used to obtain information needed through print and electronic media.

There are so many manufacturers in the world who use sophisticated tools to get good results and precision. One of the new breakthroughs in the world of technology that is currently popular around the world, especially among scientists and aristocrats is 3D printing, which is an advanced printer that can convert soft files into 3D forms.

The presence of 3D printing is useful for producing something functional with relatively faster time and less processes. Given the need to print is no longer just on paper, the technological advances promoted by 3D printing are able to realize digital prints into more real products.

Later, three-dimensional solid objects can be printed from digital designs that can not only be seen but can also be held and have volume. The 3D printing process can be achieved using an additive process, where the object is created by placing a sequential layer of material.

These things are now a phenomenon of the advancement of the engineering world. Not only in the industry but it has also started from the world of education.

BINUS ASO School of Engineering as an Indonesian university that focuses on engineering programs with Japanese standards, provides superior facilities to support learning activities and ensures students can apply what they learn in class.

"Various facilities will continue to be developed in accordance with learning needs such as laboratories and also the integration of facilities with the Binus Alam Sutera campus," said Prof. Fergyanto E. Gunawan, Dr. Eng - Dean of BINUS ASO School of Engineering, in his statement, Monday 16 January.

One of them is 3D Modelling Lab, which is a laboratory equipped with integrated devices to support 3D model manufacturing activities such as 3D scanners, software and hardware for 3D printers, and CNC machines (numerical control computers).

In addition, there are also Drawing Lab, Expression Technic Lab, Programmable Logic Controller Room and so on.

"Another goal of having a laboratory is so that students can also channel their creativity and realize their ideas into real objects. For example, students can make their design results in 3D printing machines," explained Fergyanto.

"We hope that later students can become graduates who can have a positive impact on Indonesia, fostering and empowering and also make many innovations," he concluded.

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