
JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziah will mediate between workers and PT. Guncoup Nickel Industri (GNI) in Morowali, Central Sulawesi after a demonstration that caused two deaths.

"We have also reduced mediators from the North Morowali and provincial Manpower Offices to mediate against the demands submitted by the workers. We have also asked the provincial supervisors to supervise the events that occurred at the company," said Ida Fauziah at the Jakarta presidential palace on Thursday, January 16, quoted from Antara.

Anarchist demonstrations at the location of the nickel processing industry (smelter) PT. Gunbutter Nickel Industri (GNI) in Bunta Village, East Petasia District, Central Sulawesi occurred on Saturday (14/1) day until night. As a result of this incident, two victims died, namely a local worker and a foreign worker (TKA) as well as material losses.

"Today both of them have mediated and an agreement has been reached. Next we will implement these agreements, besides we will also go directly to get a more detailed explanation," said Ida.

According to Ida, there are a number of workers' demands that the company will respond to.

"Later we will see how far the deal goes and we will oversee the implementation of the deal," added Ida.

According to Ida, the problem that sparked anarchist action was the demands of workers that had not been responded to by the company, not because of the jealousy of local workers and foreign workers.

"So this is more of a problem that the company has not responded well. This company has foreign workers, there are local workers, so it's not (because of jealousy). This is a demand made by one of the trade unions there, if TKA of course they can work according to the provisions of the legislation," said Ida.

Reportedly a demonstration took place in two locations, namely Pos 4 and Pos 5 at the company.

The demonstration was a reaction due to the absence of an agreement between SPN and the company PT GNI in a meeting with the North Morowali Regency Manpower Office on Friday (13/1). In this action, the workers submitted eight demands related to the welfare and safety of the workers.

These demands include companies that are required to apply K3 procedures according to the law, provide complete personal protective equipment (PPE) to workers, stop unclear wage cuts, and terminate certain time work agreements (PKWT) for permanent work.

In addition, the mass of action also demanded that the company re employ SPN members whose contracts were terminated due to a strike and asked for clarity on the rights to the family of the late Made and the late Nirwana Selle. Regarding these demands, PT GNI responded by making a strike notification letter and agreeing to seven of the eight demands filed by employees.

Around 70 people have been detained by the police for thorough investigation of the anarchist's actions.

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