
Tegal Police Chief AKBP Arie Prasetya Syafa said the increasing number of accidents in Tegal made his party re-implement manual tickets.

"All ranks of the Ditlantas Polda Central Java, especially the Tegal Police, have re-imposed the ticket manually, basically the fatality rate of traffic accidents is very high", said AKBP Arie in a written statement, Monday, January 16.

That way the Tegal Police Traffic Unit can take action against traffic violators in two ways, namely manual and electronic ticketing.

"Manual ticketing is carried out selectively in certain situations and types of violations," continued AKBP Arie

The Tegal Police Chief said there were several violations that could be dealt with using a manual ticket at the Tegal Police.

Namely, TNKB which does not comply with the provisions, does not use an SNI helmet, overloading, to a brong or racing exhaust.

In a different place, the Head of the Tegal Police Traffic Unit, AKP Erwin Chan Siregar, is not only violators of the naked eye, nor underage motorists or against the flow can be dealt with.

"Underprivileged drivers and against the flow can also be dealt with using manual tickets," said the Head of Traffic at the Tegal Police.

According to him, the execution process or practice of manual ticketing is not much different from the old system.

"Members of the Tegal Police Traffic Unit who are in the field will take direct action against traffic violators," said the Traffic Head

Traffic violations were stopped by officers guarding the field before being examined for vehicle documents.

"Even though the manual ticket is back in effect, the Tegal Police Satlantas also maintains an electronic ticket." concluded the Head of Traffic Unit.

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