
JAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, said that the majority or dominant class must protect minorities as the key to maintaining diversity in the country.

"Those who are dominant must protect the minority. That is the key to respecting diversity," Sri Sultan said in a written statement in Yogyakarta, Sunday.

This was conveyed by the Sultan in the National Dialogue at Dr. Soetomo University, Surabaya, on Saturday (14/01).

According to the Sultan, in pluralism, the words "me" and "you" must be understood as part of "we" because Maritime-based Indonesia has many ethnic groups and various religions.

"So it cannot be forced for minorities to follow the majority. There must be mutual protection in the two majority and minority elements," said Sultan as reported by Antara.

According to Sultan, DIY is a miniature of Indonesia in which different ethnic groups, races and religions gather.

However, Sri Sultan's policy is to prohibit anyone who is not Javanese from becoming a Javanese.

The King of the Yogyakarta Palace emphasized that no identity should be lost to each individual, including the Batak Tribe, Papua, Sunda and others by understanding the culture of DIY, the place where they live.

Given that Indonesia has been independent for more than 70 years, according to him, it is only natural that the issue of ideology is no longer debated.

Therefore, Sri Sultan hopes that under the government of President Joko Widodo the issue of the Pancasila Ideology will be resolved.

"Anyone who becomes president in 2025 will no longer discuss fundamental issues. Of course this must be done considering Indonesia's challenges in the future are getting tougher," he said.

In the context of the bureaucracy, for example, according to him, ASN in organizing Pancasila must have a view, not only focusing on the idea of how there is no poverty and ignorance, but there must be an affirmation of anti-emiskinan and anti-corruption mindsets.

"Infectiousness, anti-stupidity plus anti-corruption as well as abuse of authority must be a guide. Because what is taken from that context is the excellence advantage, it means talking about the main thing in a human being," said Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.

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