
JAKARTA - Child Development Growth Specialist DR. D. Bernie Endyarni Medise did not recommend that lato-lato be played by children under five years old (toddlers) because his motor skills were not good.

"His motor skills are not good so he will be easy to cause himself to get hit by the ball, cause bruises, because they are so fast and released (ball)," said the Head of Division 3 of the IDAI Central Management to the media crew online, Sunday, January 15.

According to Bernie, parents must consider a number of things before allowing children to play lato-lato who are also known asICKers ball, one of which is whether their fine motor skills are capable. Smooth motor skills surround physical skills involving movements that demand the coordination of the eyes and hands.

The lato-lato game, continued Bernie, can actually train the area of the hand, from arm to radius, and train hands to move. The game, which was once popular in the 1960s to 1970s, also trains accuracy, namely how a child can estimate this ball can meet, concentrate and balance.

In addition to capabilities, other considerations allow children to play lato-lato, namely when they already understand when getting education, especially how to play safely and in danger.

Bernie said that school-age children and adolescents are among those who are allowed to play them because they know the dangers and have the ability to control, namely smooth and abusive motorbikes. They also understand what parents say about the dangers and how to play correctly.

"At school age or adolescent age, of course, it is permissible. However, there is parental assistance. So children understand. Or if they are not skilled, don't be too fast, then they can injure themselves," said Bernie.

On the other hand, parents need to continue to provide assistance and choose lato-lato ingredients so as not to harm their children, such as not from easily broken materials as in the past. Bernie said, if the sooner and stronger the two balls made of easy-to-break are collided, it will cause injuries.

"In the past, it was made of glass, then replaced with safer materials. If the material is safe, it's okay. How can it cause bruises? If it hits the child's body, it will be easily bruised," he said.

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