
BEKASI - PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) believes that West Java will be the largest contributor to the vote in the 2024 General Election. In fact, it is believed that this region could be the basis for the party bearing the bull symbol.

"We believe that 2024 belongs to the PDI-P again and we hope that in the future, (West Java) will be the basis of the PDI-P," said PDIP DPD Chairman Ono Surono to reporters in Tambun Selatan, Bekasi, West Java, Sunday, January 15.

Ono said this belief was not without reason. One of them, no party claims West Java as its largest mass base.

"Because every election, (West Java) always changes the winner. PDIP used to be 1999, Golkar 2004, 2009 Democrat, 2014 PDIP, 2019 Gerindra," he explained.

In addition, PDIP has taken various steps to get victory in West Java. These include launching organizational consolidation to create a populist program.

"After the reform, the PDI-P certainly has records, has an evaluation related to the party movement movement to be able to win," said Ono.

"And West Java has carried out the preparations," he continued.

Then, Ono also believes that the PDIP DPP will assign the best cadres in West Java. So, they will be elected by the people of the region.

"As a pioneer party, as a party that has democracy led by all candidates, the PDI-P DPP has prepared," he concluded.

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