
Pangkalpinang Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) of Bangka Belitung Islands Province asked the people in the region to avoid added ready-to-eat processed foods or those containing liquid nitrogen. Head of Pangkalpinang POM Center Sofiyani Chandrawati Anwar in an official statement, Saturday night January 14, said that there is no LN2 residual in the food and must pay attention to the sanitation hygiene. It is said, ready-to-eat processed foods in the form of Chikibul, Smoke Snack or Dragon Breath are processed foods of ekstradate food types poured or classified nitrogen liquid/Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) to cool the food quickly as well as produce cold and▁habis effects. Risk on consumers related to the physical hazard potential of liquid nitrogen when consumed (frostbit) and the dangers of the onset of high-pressure gas when liquid nitrogen is swallowed. If liquid nitrogen is swallowed up at normal temperatures, liquid nitrogen will cause gas in the stomach/magnetic tract and cause stomach damage. In addition, the possibility of liquid nitrogen contamination of liquid non-food grade. If children want to consume cicibul/smoke snack/dragon breath, it must be monitored by adults. Before consuming the food, it must wait for liquid nitrogen completely evaporated, namely until there is no remaining liquid nitrogen. Consumers must blow and spur down liquid nitrogen-coated snacks in order to completely evaporate before consumption.

"Waiting for the cloudy vapor to subside and eating snacks one by one can also help reduce the risk of injury. In addition, if there is remaining liquid nitrogen left on the basis of consumer food packaging, it should not touch the liquid nitrogen and consume both its products and nitrogen." he said. He appealed to the entire community or parents to really pay attention to their children so as not to consume ready-to-eat snacks that endanger health. BPOM has also issued a Risk Mitigation Guideline for the Use of Liquid Nitrogen in Olahan Food which can be used by all stakeholders to take policies under its supervision.

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