
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the elites in Papua often play political issues and opinions to make it seem as if corruption is solely for the benefit of the community. Even though what happened was a commotion.

"Elit-elite daerah Papua memmainkan isu dan opini politik untuk membenarkan tindakan- tindakan pencurian uang negara, agar seolah-olah seolah-olah dan korupsi yang mereka lakukan itu adalah untuk rakyat dan atas nama rakyat," ujar Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri dalam keterangannya, Sabtu, 14 Januari.

The Corps, Firli continued, only brought misery. This is because the funds provided by the government for development are not used properly.

In fact, it is not uncommon for the perpetrators to use it for personal gain.

"In fact, there is no development let alone social justice created in the corruption coalition, except poverty and misery," he said.

On the other hand, Firli suspects that many corruption crimes occur in Papua because the perpetrators feel safe. They consider Papua to be far from the center of government so that it will not be monitored.

"Maybe because of the distance and situation in Papua that is far from the center of government, news and supervision," said Firli.

Corruption crimes that seem to bring up the interests of the community are reflected in the case of the inactive Governor Lukas Enembe.

Lucas, who is now a suspect, is strongly suspected of being involved in bribery and gratification in project procurement at the Papua Provincial Government.

In this case, he allegedly received money from the Director of PT Tabi Bangun Papua, Rijantono Lakka, so that the company got the project.

Then, it is suspected that there was also a conspiracy carried out with officials in the Papua Provincial Government.

Adapun kesepakatan di antara mereka yakni pemberian fee 14 persen dari nilai kontrak. Fee harus bersih dari pengurangan pajak.

At least, there are three projects that Rijantono got for this evil consensus. The first is the improvement of the Entro-Hamadi Road with a project value of Rp. 14.8 billion.

Rehabilitation of facilities and infrastructure supporting PAUD Integration with a project value of IDR 13.3 billion.

Finally, the venue environmental structuring project expands outdoor AURI with a project value of IDR 12.9 billion.

After the project was won, Rijantono handed over Rp1 billion to Lukas. In addition, Lukas is also suspected of receiving gratuities of up to billions of rupiah.

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