
SIANGKAWANG - Singkawang Police together with the South Singkawang Police have arrested three women suspected of being the perpetrators of fraud by promising a marriage to a man with the initials A as the victim. "The incident occurred around December 2022 in Singkawang City," said Deputy Chief of Singkawang Police, Kompol Raden Real Mahendra as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 13. Accompanied by the South Singkawang Police Chief, AKP Inayatun Nurhasanah, Raden said that this incident began with an introduction between victim A and perpetrator AV. AV promised to introduce the victim to a woman with the initials SF. At the time of getting acquainted, the woman with the initials SF stringed up false words by saying that she was still a girl and had no children. Furthermore, a communication was established and it was agreed that on December 25, 2022, engagement activities were carried out at the victim's house. "The victim gave some jewelry and cash amounting to Rp12,122,000," he said. After the engagement activity, the victim could not contact the AV and SF perpetrators. Even the victim has also tried to find an SF address. After finding the address, it turned out that based on information from the head of the local RT, if SF was married and had two children. Feeling cheated, the victim finally reported the matter to the South Singkawang Police Headquarters. "On the report, members carried out a series of investigations and managed to secure three suspects, all of whom were women with the initials AM, AV and AC," he said. These three actors have their respective roles. The one suspect acts as a matchmaker. Suspect two claimed to be still a girl and had no children and suspect three helped to convince the victim that the two suspects were still girls. From that incident, he said, the total material loss suffered by the victim was Rp. 24,122,000. For his actions, the three suspects will be subject to Article 378 of the Jungto Criminal Code 55 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 4.4 years in prison. "The three perpetrators are residents of Singkawang, where two residents of West Singkawang District and one resident of East Singkawang," he explained. The three can be said to be syndicates, because they have tricked a 30-year-old man but are not married. According to him, the suspect with the initials AM currently has other problems being handled by the Singkawang Police Satreskrim. "Meanwhile, from these engagement activities, each perpetrator gets a profit of Rp. 3,000,000 for suspect AM, suspect AP gets Rp. 5,020,000. and suspect three gets Rp. 4,102,000," he said.

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