
MALUKU - The Indonesian Navy's Hydro Oceanography Center Team (Pushidrosal) built a research post on an island that appeared on the surface of water in Wuarlabobar District, Tanimbar Islands Regency. The island appeared after an earthquake measuring magnitude (M) 7.5 Maluku.

"Today, a team from Pushidrosal has arrived at Saumlaki and will go straight to the location. They will build a post and bring in the tools to immediately carry out a survey so they can find out the material for the island that appears," said Danlantamal IX Ambon Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Said Latuconsina in Saumlaki, Thursday, January 12, confiscated by Antara.

The Indonesian Navy's Pushidrosal consists of 10 units of the Taryono Sea Major (P) Prosecution Survey Unit (USTS) under the command of the Commander of the Taryono Pushidrosal Survey Unit.

Danlantamal IX said, according to its stages, the USTS team would conduct an initial survey and continue with research, ocean mapping, and publication. Then they will conclude the cause of the island's emergence.

He continued, the team would work as quickly as possible to then be reported to the top leadership. If it takes additional time, of course, it will be continued in accordance with the instructions of the Indonesian Navy leadership.

Danlantamal IX said the temporary cause of the island's emergence was due to shocks and faults and frozen liquids.

"I hope the public remains calm and vigilant," said Danlantamal IX.

Previously, the USTS Pushidrosal TNI AL Team arrived at Mathilda Batlayeri Airport Thursday, January 12 at 09.11 WIT.

It is known, an island appeared on the surface of water in the Tanimbar waters after the M 7.5 Maluku earthquake on Tuesday, January 10 in the morning.

Teinaman Village Head Bony Kelmaskossu said the earthquake resulted in a pile of materials emerging to form the island.

This phenomenon caused the people of Teinaman Village to panic and be afraid so that they temporarily evacuated.

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