
West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said that if the lato-lato game, which is now loved by children, has disturbed it, the school can prohibit students from bringing lato-lato. "So if it is deemed disturbing, there must be action in their respective areas. It cannot be beaten evenly. If the school turns out to be disturbing, please prohibit it, if it does not interfere, it can still be tolerated, it doesn't matter, it's also a hobby," said Governor Ridwan Kamil in Bandung City, Antara, Thursday, January 12. Met after attending the Joint Christmas Celebration of the TNI, Polri and PNS for 2022 in the Korgap II/Bandung area, Governor Ridwan Kamil said something excessive would have a bad impact. Including the lato-lato game, if played continuously without knowing time, place and situation will have a bad or negative impact. "Look, something is too much in life is not good, that's all the key. If you overdo it, for hours, you don't know the time, you don't know the situation, it's dangerous," he said. "So don't blame the lates, the one who is blamed is the excessive time between Indonesians. Habits if there is a trend of exploiting forgetting time and so on, forgetting to be polite," continued Ridwan Kamil. Previously, the Bandung City Education Office in West Java Province banned students from carrying toys that were not related to teaching and learning activities, including lato-lato, to school. "To prevent unwanted conditions, the Education Office issued a circular prohibiting carrying toys that are not related to the process of teaching and learning activities in schools," said Head of the Bandung Hikmat City Education Office Ginanjar in Bandung, a few days ago. He said that children's popular lato-lato toys should not be played during teaching and learning activities in schools, but may be played outside the school environment. Hikmat also conveyed the importance of the citizens of the education unit and parents of students jointly supervising the use of toys by children. "Also you need to be wise in playing it, so it doesn't disturb other people. Of course it can be played in the right place," he said.

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