
The family of the mutilated victim Angela Hindriati Wahyuningsih (54) alias Ati visited the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta. The victim's family suspected that there was another motive behind the victim's death, in addition to love problems.

"So far, it has been known that this is the motive for romance, once again we emphasize here that it was like that. But the murder incident was not due to romance. If we suspect, there are motives for wanting to control property," Jodit told reporters at the Forensic Installation at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Wednesday, January 11.

The family asked the police to immediately reveal another motive to the suspect because the victim's family suspected that the perpetrator had wanted to control the victim's property.

"Legally we want it to be completed, we, the big family, are very cooperative with the police," he said.

The suspicion of the victim's family regarding other motives stems from the confession of the alleged perpetrator of the mutilation named Dicky Listyanto who had been arrested by the Polda Metro Jaya to his family.

According to Jodit, based on the Forensic Team's report, it was stated that the victim Angela Hindriati Wahyuningsih alias Ati had died 8 or 15 months ago since being found in December.

This means, continued Jodit, Angela alias Ati's estimated death occurred in September or October.

"I confirmed to the rented owner, Dicky has been signing there since June 2021. This means he has planned it," he said.

Jodit said that the victim of mutilation who was his cousin was already in his own status. "Indeed, my younger brother, Ati is already alone. At that time he was 51 years old and there was no child and no husband. Dicky was 31 years old at that time, his wife was 31 years old. Continue to be in touch with a woman who is mediocre, her face means. Dating a 51 year old child (victim), if there is no motive, it is impossible," said Jodit with a suspicious tone.

The family hopes that Polda Metro Jaya can reveal other motives behind Angela alias Ati's death. The reason is, the family still finds things odd behind the victim's death. For the family, the motive for romance is not the main cause.

The disclosure of this mutilation case began with the discovery of the body of an unidentified woman in Buaran Village, Lambangsari, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency. The victim was found in a state of mutilation in a container box. The incident occurred on Friday, December 30, at around 03.23 WIB.

Furthermore, Polda Metro Jaya arrested the suspect of mutilation, Dicky Listyanto, along with several of his colleagues. One of them is a woman. Dicky Listyanto is strongly suspected of being a suspect. If proven, he will be charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder.

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