
JAKARTA - The Indonesian government acknowledged that serious human rights violations (HAM) in at least 12 incidents in the past.

This was conveyed by President Jokowi after receiving a report from the past Non-Judicial Human Rights Violation Settlement Team (PPHAM) represented by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 11.

The President claimed to have read carefully the report from the PPHAM Team, which was previously formed based on Presidential Decree No. 17 of 2022.

"With a clear mind and a sincere heart, I as the Head of State of the Republic of Indonesia admit that serious human rights violations have indeed occurred in various events," said Jokowi.

The President also admitted that he deeply regretted the occurrence of gross human rights violations in 12 past events.

The 12 incidents were the 1965-1966 Incident, the 1982-1985 admittance Shooting Incident, the Talangsari Incident in Lampung 1989, the Rumoh Geudong Incident and the Sattis Post in Aceh 1989, the 1997-1998 Forced Lossing Incident, and the May 1998 Riot Event.

Then Trisakti and Semanggi I-II 1998-1999 Incidents, 1998-1999 Santet Hamlet Murder Incident, 1999 Aceh KKA Intersection Incident, 2001-2002 Papua Wasior Incident, 2003 Wamena Papua Incident, and 2003 Keupok Jambo Incident.

"I have deep sympathy and empathy for the victims and the families of the victims," said Jokowi.

Jokowi emphasized that the government would try to restore the rights of victims fairly and wisely without negating a judicial settlement.

"Secondly, the government and I are trying to be serious so that gross human rights violations will not happen again in Indonesia in the future," said the President.

The President also claimed to have instructed the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs to oversee concrete efforts by the government in ensuring that these two things could be carried out properly.

"Hopefully this effort will be a meaningful step for the recovery of the wounds of fellow nation's children, in order to strengthen our national harmony in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," concluded the President.

On an earlier occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs reiterated that the work of the PPHAM Team did not eliminate the continuation of the judicial process once.

"So this team did not close and divert the judicial settlement to a non-judicial settlement. No. The judicial one is please go ahead," said Mahfud.

The PPHAM team was chaired by Professor Makarim Wibisono along with seven other members namely Ifdal Kasim, Professor Suparman Marzuki, Dr. Mustafa Abubakar, Professor Rahayu, KH As'ad Said Ali, Lt. Gen. TNI Retired. Kiki Syahnarki, and Professor Komarudin Hidayat.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD served as Head of the Steering Team for the PPHAM Team.

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