
The chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gembong Warsono, agreed that the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi invited his BUMD to continue his Formula E event in Jakarta this year.

However, Gembong views that Heru does not need to interfere in planning the electric car race in Jakarta. Because the cultivation scheme this year is different from 2022.

In 2023 and 2024, Formula E will be held under a business to business (B2B) scheme between PT Jakarta Propertindo as the organizer BUMD and Formula E Operation (FEO).

"If B2B is indeed Jakpro's authority. It is wrong if Pak Heru interferes. Pak Heru as the Governor interferes in determining the committee and so on, that's wrong," Gembong told reporters, Wednesday, January 11.

PDIP, said Gembong, had no problem with Formula E being held again even though previously it encouraged interpellation in the DKI DPRD. However, PDIP emphasized that no more nominal APBD should be disbursed to organize Formula E.

"As we said to Mr. Anies, please implement it as long as it does not undermine the APBD. This means that if B2B is implemented, go ahead, but don't use the APBD," said Gembong.

One thing that is no less important, according to Gembong, Jakpro must immediately reveal the results of the audit of the implementation of Formula E which was analyzed by the public accounting firm, before the race was held this year.

"Lastly, we asked for a detailed financial report from Jakpro last November. At that time, Jakpro made an appointment for two weeks. However, until today we do not know what the follow-up to the promise will be like. This means that when Pak Heru wants to continue Formula E 2023, the logical consequences will be the first to make a first stage financial report," he explained.

For information, FEO as the license holder of Formula E has included the implementation schedule in Jakarta on June 3 and 4, 2023 in its race calendar.

"2023 is included in the FEO race calendar which was officially announced through its web. The event will be held for 2 days, tentatively, June 3 and 4," said VP Corporate Secretary of PT Jakarta Propertindo Syachrial Syarif in a short message, Friday, January 6.

Syachrial said, Jakpro as the BUMD organizer of Formula E will still coordinate intensively with FEO as the license holder of Formula E regarding the preparation of the team that will be assigned to this electric car racing event.

In addition, the format of the Jakarta E-Prix racing event and concept is still in the brewing stage. Likewise with sponsorship candidates who will participate in this year's race.

"Jakpro again hopes for the support of all parties so that the global campaign sustainability can run smoothly," said Syachrial.

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