
PAPUA - Police said the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) was acting up again in the Kabupaten Mountains Bintang Papua.

The KKB set fire to the Population and Civil Registry Service Office (Disdukcapil) of the Bintang Mountains in Oksibil on Wednesday 11 January at around 01.15 WIT.

"It is true that the KKB again carried out the arson at the Disdukcapil Office which is located in Kabiding Location III, Oksibil District," said Bintang Mountains Police Chief AKBP Moh. Dafi Bastomi, Wednesday, January 11, was confiscated by Antara.

Dafi said the perpetrators responsible for this arson action were KKB Kodap XXXV Bintang Timur. They also fired five shots during the burning of this local government building.

Members then tried to secure civilians living around the Disdukcapil Office area to the Bintang Mountains Police Headquarters.

"There were as many as 73 people who had fled to the Police Headquarters," said Dafi.

He stated that currently residents who have fled to the police headquarters have returned to their homes. The fire was also extinguished at around 03.15 WIT.

"TNI-Polri members are currently increasing vigilance and monitoring regarding the situation in the mountainous area," said Dafi.

Previously, the KKB also set fire to the SMKN 1 building in the Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua. On the same day Monday, January 9, KKB also shot a civilian plane.

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