
CILEGON AS (4), a girl from the Jombang Cemara neighborhood, Cilegon, Banten has not yet been found. Although the police have conducted investigations and searches for the US, there are no signs of her whereabouts. Ari, as the father of the US, he hopes that his son will be found.

I hope my son can meet quickly. short Ari when contacted, Tuesday night, January 10.

Based on the examination of a number of witnesses, the US kidnappers allegedly knew the victim's family. On the basis of the investigation, the Banten Police finally issued a wanted list letter (DPO) on behalf of Herdiyansyah Alias Diansyah Als Dian Syahlan (32), a resident of Pauh Village RT02 RW001, Panyandingan Village, Marga download, Pasawaran City Lampung.

The perpetrator of kidnapping a child on behalf of Herdiyansyah alias Diansyah alias Dian Syahlan (32), a resident of Pauh Village RT02 RW001, Panyandandingan Marga, download, Pasawaran City, Lampung. The perpetrator has moderate characteristics, straight black hair, mature sawo skin color, and oval shape," explained Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilegon Police, AKP Mochmad Nandar, Tuesday, January 10.

Nandar appealed to the perpetrators to surrender before the police took measured decisive action.

"We ask for your help from all people who know the whereabouts of the kidnapping perpetrators with the above characteristics immediately report to the nearest police officer and contact the investigators of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilegon Police, Ipda Eka Rifka 087722222957 or the Head of Jatanras Ipda Patuan SAJ Sihombing 0818592022," said Nandar.

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