
YOGYAKARTA - The Chairperson of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, appointed the son, Prananda Prabowo to be the Head of the PDIP Analysis and Situation Control Center whose appointment is carried out into the 2024 General Election. What is Prananda Prabowo's profile?

This appointment is even a sign that PDIP requires motivation and young thinking so that it can form tactics to enter the 2024 election.

Political observer from Al-Azhar University, Ujang Komarudin, even revealed that Prananda Prabowo's appointment had no relationship at all with the news about Puan Maharani and Ganjar Pranowo. However, this appointment was carried out for the good of the PDIP in the future and could also correct internal problems in the party.

The owner of the long name H. Muhammad Prananda Prabowo was born on April 23, 1970, who is the grandson of the First President of Indonesia, Soekarno. This also shows that he is the second son of the 5th President of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarno Putri of her first husband, First Lieutenant Pnb Surindro Supjarso.

Prananda even has a older brother, Mohama Rizki Pratama and half-brother who take part in politics, Puan Maharani. On October 23, 2000, Prananda legally married Nancy Prananda and was blessed with two children, namely M. Prabhaswara Pranakarno and Diah Safira Octaliasih.

Prananda has high attention in the field of music that specializes in playing bass. For his concern about observing the fading of nationalism among the younger generation, he supports it to form a band, Rodinda (Romantika, Dynamics, and Dialectics). The name of this band is the principles of revolution that Bung Karno often voiced.

Political Career Prananda

In the world of politics, Prananda is known as an ideologist and enthusiast for communication technology and media. Jokowi once gave an assessment of Prananda Prabowo that he has great potential with his detailed organization system and is close to anyone so that it makes it easier to establish communication. Then, he was also asked to be the most appropriate descendant of the Soekarno ideology to replace Megawati Soekarnoputri by the Marhaenism.

Quoting, Prananda first appeared when Megawati invited her to attend a press conference with Puan Maharani, entering the opening of the 2010 PDIP III Congress in Bali. Prananda was appointed as the conceptator for some of Megawati's political lectures. One of her speeches that could display her political viewing system was when she inserted a piece of guidance from the Bhagawad Gita Book with the sound karmanye vadhikaraste ma poleshu kada.

The meaning of the piece of advice in the lecture that was read at the Opening of the 3rd PDIP 2010 Congress is to do all your obligations seriously without calculating profit and loss. Then, this lecture even became one of Megawati's lectures which received the most pride from various groups.

Within the PDIP's internal sphere, Prananda is also known as the Soekarno Walk Dictionary because he always tries to consider that the results of the internal party meeting do not come out of the thought of his grandfather, Bung Karno. He considered it really well and did not give the impression of intimidation. While in PDIP, he served as Head of the Control Room and Analysis of the State of the DPP party whose duties were dominant with internal party matters so he immediately communicated with the general chairman.

Prananda Prabowo even gets the responsibility of supervising whether there are irregularities to the congressional decision and checking in a structured manner all preparations for the activities of Megawati's general chairman somewhere. Then, Prananda is also obliged to report all internal party developments, good in regional elections, irregularities, or the behavior of party cadres. executive and legislative directly to the party chairman.

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