
JAKARTA - Chief Judge Wahyu Iman Santoso asked why Putri Candrawati did not undergo a post-mortem even though she claimed to be a victim of sexual harassment by Yosua alias Brigadier J. The husband, Ferdy Sambo, also admitted that recently he regretted not ordering Putri to do a post-mortem.

The moment began when the judge brought up the various positions Sambo had held while still serving in the National Police.

"You in your career as a police officer have held several positions in the Criminal Investigation Unit. In fact, have you been Wadirkrimum at Polda Metro Jaya, meaning that your experience as a member of the Criminal Investigation Unit is qualified?" asked the judge during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, January 9.

"That's right, Your Majesty," replied Sambo.

Then, Judge Wahyu began to question the reason why Ferdy Sambo did not suggest Putri undergo a post-mortem. Of course, to prove harassment.

"When you received a report or story from your wife about the harassment earlier, it was worse than the abuse itself. Did you not ask or at least suggest, 'Let's have a post-mortem first' or at least you as a husband, 'Let's go to the doctor first' to check when it comes to things, I'm sorry, there are PMS and others, why don't you do that?" said Judge Wahyu.

However, Ferdy Sambo did not answer that question. He just admitted he regretted it and apologized.

"That's what I regret, Your Majesty, I didn't think at that time after hearing the heavy blow suffered by my wife, Your Majesty, I apologize that it has been so long like this, Your Majesty," said Ferdy Sambo.

Ferdy Sambo is said to have planned the murder of Brigadier J while on the third floor of Saguling's house, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

At that time, he asked Ricky Rizal to shoot. However, the request was rejected. So, Ferdy Sambo turned to Bharada Richarad totaling. The request to shoot was agreed.

The shooting of Brigadier J was carried out in the living room of the official residence of the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, on July 8.

The reason behind the shooting planning was because of the story about the harassment by Brigadier J against his wife, Putri Candrawathi.

With the series of events and roles behind it, Ferdy Sambo was charged with violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1). Thus, the maximum sentence of death, life imprisonment or a maximum of 20 years.

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