
JAKARTA - Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati said that after the main earthquake with a magnitude (M) of 7.5 in Maluku, there were four aftershocks or aftershocks.

"Aftershocks lasted until 04.00 WIB, there were 4 activities. With the largest magnitude M 5.5 and the smallest M 4.1," Dwikorita said in a press conference seen from the Instagram account @infobmkg, Tuesday, January 10.

Dwikorita explained that this earthquake had an impact and was felt in the Saumlaki area with an intensity scale of V MMI (vibrationally felt by almost all residents).

Meanwhile, in the Dobo area, the vibration scale reaches Tiakur IV MMI, (at noon felt by many people in the house, outside by several people, broken pottery, windows or doors decorated and walls rang).

Gempa juga dirasakan di daerah Sorong, Kaimana, Alor, Waingapu, Waijelu, Lembata dengan skala intensitas III-IV MMI (Kalau pada siang hari dirasakan oleh orang banyak dalam rumah)

The intensity scale is lower, felt in the areas of Kairatu, Merauke, Nabire, Tanah Merah, Wamena, Bakunase, Kolhua, Sabu, Rote, Ende, South Amarasi, Kupang City.A number of people feel the II-III MMI scale vibration (vibrationality is felt real in the house. Feels as if the truck is passing)

Meanwhile, in the Ambon and Piru areas, the MMI II scale was felt (vibration was felt by several people, light objects that were hung swayed).

Previously, BMKG reported that the M 7.5 earthquake rocked Maluku on Tuesday, January 10 at 00.47 WIB.

This point of the earthquake was 136 kilometers northwest of West Southeast Maluku below sea level with a depth of 131 kilometers. Or precisely located at coordinates 7.37 degrees South Latitude (LS), 130.23 degrees East Longitude (BT).

BMKG had issued a tsunami early warning and asked residents to be alert and alert. Until finally the tsunami early warning was declared to end at 03.43 WIB. In connection with the end of the tsunami early warning, Dwikorita said BMKG recommended the community to return to their normal activities.

"Given that the tsunami early warning has ended, people in coastal areas are encouraged to be able to carry out their activities as usual," he said.

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