
The Health Office (Dinkes) of South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province explained the data that the positive cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in 2022 were 264, an increase compared to 2021 of 247 cases.

Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the South Lampung Health Office, Basuki Didik Setiawan, said the number of positive cases of dengue fever in South Lampung in 2022 had increased from the previous year.

"The positive cases of dengue fever in 2022 will increase compared to last year," he said as reported by Antara, Sunday, January 8.

He said that for the total number of positive cases of dengue fever in 2022 in South Lampung, there were 264 cases.

"According to data, the number of positive cases of dengue fever in 2022 is 264 cases. Meanwhile, in 2021 there will be 247 cases," he said.

He hopes for the people of South Lampung to carry out Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS).

"So that all levels of society carry out Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS)," he said.

He hopes that the people of South Lampung, will carry out the mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) with 3 M plus to eliminate the breeding ground for mosquitoes that cause dengue fever.

If anyone has a fever, fever for no reason, he said, they should immediately check with health care facilities.

Thus, if the disease leads to dengue fever, it can be handled as early as possible, so as not to experience severity or even death, said Basuki Didik Setiawan.

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