
JAKARTA - Eight political parties in Senayan parliament officially state their attitude against the proportional closed 2024 election system. A closed proportional system regulates voters to only vote on parties and not legislative candidates in the 2024 Pileg.

The eight parties in the DPR RI are the Golkar Party, Gerindra, NasDem, PKB, Democrats, PKS, PAN, and PPP. Only PDIP did not participate in the statement of attitude.

This statement of attitude was read by the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, after a closed meeting at a hotel in South Jakarta.

The following is the content of the statement of the attitude of the eight political parties regarding the rejection of a closed proportional system:

In connection with the discourse of reimposing a closed proportional electoral system and a judicial review has been carried out at the Constitutional Court, our political party expresses its position as follows.

1. We reject proportional closedness and are committed to safeguarding the progress of democracy in Indonesia which has been carried out since the reform era. The closed proportional election system is a setback for our democracy. On the other hand, an open proportional electoral system is a manifestation of democracy based on people's sovereignty, in which the people can determine legislative candidates nominated by political parties. We do not want democracy to resign.

2. An open proportional electoral system is the right choice and is in accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 22-24/PUU-VI/2008 on 23 December 2008 which has been carried out in three elections and a lawsuit against jurisprudence will set a bad precedent for our law and is not in line with the principle of ne bis in idem.

3. The KPU continues to carry out its duties as an election organizer by maintaining neutrality and independence in accordance with statutory regulations.

4. We appreciate the government for budgeting the 2024 General Election budget and for election organizers, especially the KPU, to continue to carry out the stages of the 2024 General Election as mutually agreed.

5. We are committed to competing in the 2024 General Election in a healthy and peaceful manner while maintaining national unity and integrity in order to maintain political, security and economic stability.

"Similarly, a political statement is to pay attention," said Airlangga closing the statement.

Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari previously talked about the possibility that the General Election system or the 2024 General Election would return to using a closed proportional system. He said the system was being discussed through the Constitutional Court (MK) trial.

However, Hasyim explained, it was only an assumption based on the existence of a lawsuit at the Constitutional Court regarding the current electoral law. So it is not a proposal from the KPU but from the current electoral factual conditions.

"So maybe prospective election participants can get ready and follow developments if the Court grants the lawsuit," he said during the KPU Year End Note event at the KPU office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 29, 2022.

Responding to this, some time ago, the eight party factions in the DPR had stated their written stance that they would continue to support the implementation of an open proportional system in the 2024 General Election. They even asked the Constitutional Court to be consistent with its decision on an open proportional system.

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