
Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Regional Management KH Samsul Ma arif appealed to political party leaders, regional head candidates and leguslative candidates not to use places of worship as a means of campaigning.

"Not only rooms in places of worship, nor should the courtyard be used for campaigns," he said as quoted by NU Online, Friday, January 6.

Kiai Samsul explained that the place of worship in question is not just a place of worship for Islam. However, places of worship throughout religion such as mosques, prayer rooms, churches, monasteries, pagodas and temples.

Furthermore, he reminded that the ban on campaigns in places of worship has been regulated in the General Elections Commission Regulation (PKPU) No. 4/2017 article 68 letter (j) concerning the prohibition of campaigns using places of worship and places of education.

"Companies in places of worship can be subject to a maximum imprisonment of two years and a fine of 24 million, citing the 2017 Election Law No. 07 Article 521," he explained.

Kiai Samsul confirmed what was conveyed by the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf during a press conference with the General Elections Commission (KPU) at the PBNU Building, Jalan Kramat Raya 164, Jakarta, on Wednesday (04/01/2023) yesterday. Kiai Yahya revealed that the campaign or politicization in places of worship is very dangerous and will damage the community.

"We must together firmly prohibit campaigns in places of worship so that the 2024 election is safe and peaceful without any identity politics," said the kiai who was born in Pekalongan, 54 years ago.

In this case, Kiai Samsul asked all administrators of places of worship to strictly prohibit anyone from making places of worship to campaign.

"Hopefully, during the campaign period and the implementation of the 2024 election, it can run according to the rules and peace," he concluded.

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